Drug Treatment Court

Monroe County Prosecutor’s Role in Drug Treatment Court

Drug Crimes Deputy Prosecutor – Drug Treatment Court

The Drug Crimes Deputy Prosecutor handles all level 1-5 felony drug crime cases in all four criminal courts in Monroe County.

Contact: Kris Kritzer

Charlotte T. Zietlow Justice Center
301 N. College Ave., Room 211
Bloomington IN 47404 (Map)
Phone: 812-349-2670 Fax: 812-349-2725

Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday
Closed all Federal Holidays

Drug Treatment Court promotes public safety by encouraging chemically dependent adults to live substance-free and improve their quality of life.

The Drug Deputy Prosecutor in the Monroe County Prosecutor’s Office serves as a voting member of the Drug Treatment Court Team. As a member of the team, the role of the Prosecutor’s Office is to promote community safety by maintaining eligibility standards for Drug Treatment Court. In addition, the Prosecutor’s Office advocates for effective incentives and sanctions for Drug Treatment Court participants to ensure program compliance. Should a participant be terminated from the program for noncompliance, the Prosecutor’s Office represents the State of Indiana at that participant’s sentencing hearing.

Successful completion of Drug Treatment Court results in dismissal of the participant’s charges by the Prosecutor’s Office. As a member of the Drug Court Team, the Prosecutor’s Office encourages recovery and productive citizenship for individuals charged with nonviolent, drug-related cases, rather than incarceration and recidivism.

A defendant is evaluated for participation in the Drug Treatment Court if they are:

  • A Monroe County resident
  • Charged with a felony offense
  • That is “substance abuse related”
  • That does not involve dealing
  • And is non-violent

To be considered a “substance abuse related” felony offense, the Drug Court Team must determine that substance abuse is at the root of the criminal conduct. In Monroe County, most substance abuse related felonies involve alcohol, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, marijuana, and Schedule 4 controlled substances such as painkillers or anti-anxiety drugs.

Once an individual’s eligibility is determined, the decision is sent to the Court. If Drug Treatment Court eligible, the individual will appear at an Initial Appearance Hearing, held each Wednesday morning in Drug Treatment Court, presided over by the Honorable Judge Mary Ellen Diekhoff. If an individual wishes to participate in Drug Treatment Court, a deputy prosecutor will appear at the Change of Plea Hearing held each Thursday morning. At this hearing, a guilty plea is entered and the individual is sentenced to comply with the terms of Drug Court.

At a minimum, an individual will participate in Drug Treatment Court for two years. One year of continued sobriety is required before graduating from the program. If an individual successfully completes the program, the prosecutor will formally dismiss the case. If an individual fails to comply with the terms of Drug Treatment Court, his or her participation in the program can be extended or terminated.

If terminated from the Drug Treatment Court program, the Monroe County Prosecutor’s Office will proceed with sentencing which usually includes a prison term.

A representative of the Monroe County Prosecutor’s Office is one of the voting members on the Drug Treatment Court team. Other members include a team coordinator, a public defender, the Drug Treatment Court judge, a drug treatment professional and a police officer.