Crimes Against the Elderly


Preventing Crimes Against the Elderly

“An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure”

The Office of the Monroe County Prosecuting Attorney has organized several public education efforts that focus on the prevention of crimes disproportionately affecting the elderly population. Each initiative has included informational videos, fact sheets, written articles and public presentations. These campaigns provide people with tools they need in order to avoid problems, and information about where to turn for help if a problem occurs. Follow the links below to learn more.

Adult Guardianships
Hiring a Caregiver
Home Improvement Fraud
Identity Theft
Identity Theft
Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney

Adult Protective Services

The Monroe County Prosecutor’s Office runs the Adult Protective Services (APS) program for Unit 10 covering Monroe, Owen, and Morgan Counties. Adult Protective Services investigates reports of endangered adults and may take legal action to protect elderly and disabled victims. Learn more »