Guardianships are a useful legal tool to help people who lack the capacity to make decisions for themselves – such as those suffering from dementia or developmental disability. In a guardianship proceeding the court appoints a guardian to manage an incapacitated person’s financial assets or personal affairs. The incapacitated person is then known as the “protected person.” A guardian can help ensure that the protected person lives with security and dignity to the greatest extent possible given their circumstances.
To help the public learn more about guardianships the Prosecutors Office “Adult Guardianship: What You Need to Know” – a You Tube video and companion fact sheet.
Click Here to download the fact sheet
Volunteer Guardianship Program
The Monroe County Volunteer Guardianship Program recruits, trains and oversees volunteers to serve as court-appointed guardians for eligible incapacitated adults. The program is a collaboration among several local organizations represented on an Advisory Board and is administered by the Area 10 Agency on Aging. The program is supported by a grant from the Office of State Court Administration and through other local funds. For more information contact the Area 10 Agency on Aging at or call (812) 876-3383 or 1-800-844-1010.