Identity Theft

Identity Theft: What You Need to Know

Our personal identity is the most important financial asset we have. We use our identity to qualify for credit and make purchases. Our ability to obtain credit depends on the good financial reputation that we have worked all our lives to build and maintain.

But losing control over our personal information can happen in an instant, and without even our knowledge. You may not find out until after the damage has been done and you are contacted by creditors seeking to collect money from you for things you never purchased. After you find out, it can be an expensive and frustrating experience to repair the damage done to your financial reputation.

When it comes to “identity theft,” an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It’s far better to avoid problems before your personal information has been compromised, money has been lost and your credit needs to be repaired. Follow the links below for information to help you avoid problems.

Click here to download the Identity Theft Fact Sheet.