Dropout Prevention Resources


The Franklin Initiative – The Franklin Initiative is a program of the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce that provides career awareness and workforce development services for youth in Bloomington and Monroe County, Indiana. Franklin Initiative works with teachers and schools to offer real-world experiences that get young people excited about future education and careers by helping them realize the relevance and importance of their education to life and careers after graduation. Dropout Prevention is a key focus. The Graduation Coach Initiative helps high school students stay in school, graduate, and get a good job or pursue continuing education. Graduation Coaches at Bloomington High School North, Bloomington High School South, and Edgewood High School in Ellettsville work one-on-one with students who are at-risk of dropping out to remove barriers to graduation and help them receive their diploma or GED.

High School Plus Coalition http://www.highschoolpluscoalition.org/A community coalition preparing students to grow, graduate, and pursue their goals. High School Plus brings partners together to develop a common understanding of the Monroe County dropout rate, identify and prevent problems that cause kids to drop out of school, and create solutions and resources to help students succeed in high school and beyond. High School Plus combines the work of the Monroe County Dropout Prevention Coalition and the College Success Coalition.

Roadmap to Success website http://monroe.roadmaptosuccess.org/#/ – The interactive Roadmap to Success website will help users in Monroe County navigate resources that increase high school success and completion, as well as encourage college and career readiness. Designed with students, parents, and counselors in mind, this innovative tool helps guide career and school choices and contains up-to-date national and local resources. The website guides users to information about workforce development resources, colleges and training programs, ways to save and pay for education after high school, and much more.

Local School Corporations:

Monroe County Community School Corporation – Empowering students to maximize their educational success to become productive, responsible global citizens.

Richland Bean Blossom Community School Corporation – Our mission is to work in cooperation with the community and families to provide students with an education that promotes responsible citizenship, develops critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity.

The Edge Alternative School – Richland Bean Blossom School’s alternative program.

Other Local Resources:

Adult Education MCCSC  – Resources for adult education from the Monroe County Community School Corporation. Includes class and schedule information for Adult Basic Education, English as a Second Language, and the TASC™ (Indiana High School Equivalency Diploma.) Also provides information about the Acuplacer assessment used by Ivy Tech, the WorkKeys assessment for the National Career Readiness Certificate, and the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) assessment required to enter career training in the military.

Big Brothers Big Sisters – Big Brothers Big Sisters strives to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.

El Centro Comunal – El Centro Comunal is a grassroots, community-based organization that seeks to provide an accessible and safe space for all Latinos, with a focus on Spanish-speaking people, to find information, access to resources and a place to hold community events.

Foundation for Monroe Community Schools – Provides resources to improve and enhance the educational experience of all MCCSC students.

Girls Incorporated – Girls Incorporated of Monroe County inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.

Monroe County United Way  – Works to bring lasting change to our community with the support of member agencies and community partners. Helps children, youth, and adults achieve their potential by focusing on the building blocks that will improve people’s lives – the 3Es: Education, Earnings, Essentials – to ensure they

  • Enter kindergarten ready to learn
  • Graduate school with a purposeful plan, and
  • Continue to build job and life skills

Monroe County Youth Council – The Monroe County Youth Council is comprised of youth ages 11-18 working together to improve the life for youth in Monroe County.

Volunteers in Tutoring Adult Learners (VITAL) – VITAL is a free community service sponsored by the Monroe County Public Library that provides trained tutors to help individual learners set goals, gain essential literacy skills, and increase their confidence. English as a Second Language tutoring is also available free of charge.

National Resources:

Fight Crime: Invest in Kids – An anti-crime organization of over 5,000 police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors, and violence survivors that provides research about what prevents kids from becoming criminals and put that information in the hands of policymakers and the general public.